And just like that, two years have gone by since I was installed as your NAR Governor. Where does the time go? It is hard for me to believe that this will be my last message as your Governor, but I want you to all know how much I have thoroughly enjoyed my term in office. It seems like only yesterday that I was writing my first message to all of you.
As you begin to wind down your club year, it is time to look back and reflect on all your accomplishments. We have all endured a lot over the past two years, but I’ve always thought that we are never given more than we can manage (although at times it may seem that way), and the past two years have certainly proved that as clubs and as a region we are, and will remain, strong. Take time to congratulate yourselves on all your accomplishments and remember to say thank you to one another for being there to support each other through these rough times.
It's time to collect dues for both SIA and the NAR. Remember, your region leaders, District Directors and District Secretaries need the names and email addresses of your leadership team (presidents and treasurers) so that we can continue to stay connected with you throughout the year. Please get that information to these people even if there hasn’t been a change in leadership at your club as sometimes names and email addresses change, and we forget to report that. Also, be sure to get your Form 200’s sent to SIA headquarters and a copy to our NAR Treasurer, Karen so that they too can keep in touch with all the people they need to reach out to throughout the year.
The region will be holding our transition board meeting in early June and at that time we the new board will begin planning the Summer Leadership Session as well as planning for the upcoming Fall District Meetings. Governor, Patti, and her board will keep you apprised of all those dates so stay tuned and be sure to mark your calendars as you don’t miss these important meetings.
Upcoming dates to remember:
1. June 1st is the deadline for Dream It – Be It on-line reporting
2. June 17th is the deadline for registration for the SIA Virtual Convention
3. June 30th on-line reporting ends for the Big Goal Accelerator Project
4. July 1st – 2022-2023 SIA Dues and Form 200’s are due to headquarters
5. July 1st – Soroptimist Celebrating Success Applications are due to Region Chair, Kathy Lang
6. July 20-23 – SIA Virtual Convention
7. August 1st – LYD on-line portal opens
With that, I will not say good-bye but rather, “I will see you later.” Thank you for all your support and comfort over the past two years and I look forward to many more years of friendships with all of you. Until then…….
Governor Diane